- Built By Bethlehem
Helen Hsu
I graduated from Freedom High School in 2015 where I was part of the golf and swim team. I ended up continuing my swimming career at Cornell University. While initially I started with an Environmental Sustainability Sciences major, I ended up transferring to the business school at Cornell for a degree in Applied Economics and Management concentrating in International Trade and Finance and Environmental Economics.
After graduating from Cornell in 2019, I decided to continue my swimming career a bit longer by moving to Florida to train full time for Nationals in Taiwan. Since the start of 2020, I have moved to New York City to pursue a career in management consulting at Oliver Wyman. Being in consulting means that I have the opportunity to work in various types of industries ranging from airlines, banks, or digital product management (such as creating apps).
During 2020, I was able to reconnect with many of my friends from Freedom High School and relive our memories in Bethlehem, PA. Some of us are farther away from Bethlehem now, but we agree that we love to be able to call this place home.
I was a Dyson Scholar for my major, MVP swimming for last two years, captain last year, and set 2 individual school records along with a relay, was part of Academic All Ivy Team. I also podiumed at Taiwan Nationals in 2019 in a couple events. But I don't think that should be the main message and I don't know if they are the most important highlights. Fun fact I started a travel blog website since I graduated. Not sure what I'm going to pursue in the future - maybe I'll continue in consulting, or maybe I'll start a bed & breakfast chain, be a travel strategy consultant, or maybe I'll be a swim coach :)