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BASD Office of Equity: Vision
The Bethlehem Area School District aims to dismantle systemic/institutional barriers (myths, beliefs) to create a culture that affirms and supports the identities, experiences and voices of all students and staff and inform district-wide programs and initiatives towards educational equity and an anti-racist environment.BASD Office of Equity: Ultimate Goal
Our ultimate goal is to ensure all learners have equitable access and opportunities for academic and professional achievement in a warm and welcoming environment where everyone experiences a sense of belonging.
Upcoming Events
Freemansburg Elementary School TSI Title I Plan 2024-2025
Freemansburg Elementary School TSI Title 1 School Plan 2024 - 2025.pdf 264.33 KB (Last Modified on July 15, 2024) -
Marvine Elementary School TSI Title I Plan 2024-2025
Marvine Elementary School - TSI Title 1 School Plan _ 2024 - 2025.pdf 275.99 KB (Last Modified on July 31, 2024) -
Nitschmann Middle School TSI non-Title 1 School Plan 2024-2025
Public comment on the 2024-2025 CSI, ATSI, and TSI School Plans is encouraged. Please email mkovalchick@basdschools.org with any feedback that you want to share by August 23, 2024.