Report a Concern/Contact

  • Report A Concern / Contact Us

    The committee will encourage employees to identify health and safety hazards in the workplace. Concerns raised by employees will be presented to the committee in writing. The committee will review new concerns at the next regularly scheduled monthly meeting. The vehicles for reporting concerns shall be:

      • Bethlehem Area School District's website
      • Inter-district mail (send to the Maintenance Department)
      • Email to
      • United States Postal Service mail to:

    Bethlehem Area School District Maintenance Department
    Attn: Workplace Safety Committee
    250 E. Fairview Street
    Bethlehem, PA 18018

    • Safe School Hotline: 610-866-3000
    • Phone: 610-867-8635
    • Fax: 610-807-5574
    • Employee's Safety Suggestion and Safety Hazard Report [Download]

    The committee will respond to employee concerns in writing and work with management to resolve them. The committee will present written recommendations for resolving concerns to management. Within sixty (60) days of receiving the written recommendation(s), management will respond in writing to the committee indicating acceptance, rejection, or modification of the recommendations.

    The committee will maintain a log of all employee concerns, including the date received, recommendation(s) to managements, the date the concern was resolved, and the date the employee was notified.