
  • Director of Student Services

    Tracey Hirner

    Supervisor of Health Services

    Dr. Kim Zsitek-Brannan

    Certified School Nurses

    There are seventeen certified school nurses currently employed by the Bethlehem Area School District. These fifteen school nurses provide health services to the 22 public and approximately 20 nonpublic schools. Over 19,000 school children attend these schools.

    Health information should always be shared with your school nurse, either through a written health history or an individual personal interview. The information given to the school nurse is considered both privileged and confidential. This means the information will be shared only on a need-to-know basis for the safety and well-being of the child. Please contact your school nurse with any questions or to update your child's health history. Your school nurse will periodically send written requests to update health information.

    Priscilla Aristakesian Jennifer Cleffi
    Wendy Costanzo Kim Daniels
    Kimberly Dirnbeck Rachel Dries
    Linda Geraci Pat Hamme
    Maureen Hart-Fritchman Renee Kershner
    Rosanne Kratzer Pauline Palovich
    Debra Peipher Debra Resh
    Shauna Smith Rita Uhl
    Jury Vera  

    Associate Nurses

    The Certified School Nurses are assisted by a team of Associate Nurses. All of the Associate Nurses are licensed nurses (LPN or RN). The Associate Nurses provide the students with general first aid and health care.

    Ana Bernabel LPN Linda Datri-Potenza RN
    Diane Elliott RN Keisha Firman
    Christina Fjerstad Sandy George LPN
    Rita Haberstumpf LPN Michelle Korcienski LPN
    Kristen Lissenden Robert Marshall LPN
    Candice Miller LPN Shalonda Mundle LPN
    Jodie Ortiz LPN Jocelyn Perkins LPN
    Carmen Torrales LPN  

    Substitute Nurses

    Isabella Flores LPN
    Kirby Freeman RN
    Diane Hrichak LPN
    Erica Molding RN CSN
    Debbra Petke CSN
    Carol Smith RN
    Janine Templeton RN
    Jessica Tummarello LPN
    Carolyn Wallace RN

    School Physicians

    The Bethlehem Area School District physicians do state mandated school physicals for those students who have not had a private examination, written parental consent is required for in-school physical examinations. In addition, school physicians act as a resource to support the certified school nurses. Please call your school nurse if you would like to know the name of the doctor assigned to your child's school.

    LV Health Network School Health
    Dr. Alycia Walty

    School Dentists

    The Bethlehem Area School District dentists do state mandated dental examinations for those students who have not completed a private examination. Please note the dentists will not do cleanings nor will they make dental corrections. If you need help finding dental care please contact your school nurse. If you would like to know the name of the dentist assigned to your child's school please call your school nurse.

    Dr Ed Piorkowski
    Dr. Karin Trotta